The narrators of traditions have described Imam Musa's features, saying: "He was very brunet."[1] It was said that he had a black color.[2] It was said that he had a bright color, of medium height, and had a thick beard.[3] Shaqiq al-Balakhi has described him, saying: "He had a good face, was very brunet and weak-bodied."
Imam Musa had veneration similar to that of the prophets. The features of the pure Imams from among his forefathers appeared on his face. When some saw him, he respected and admired him. His veneration and esteem was described by Abu Nu'as, the poet of the 'Abbasid royal palace, when he met him on the road, saying:
If the eye sees you without doubt and doubt opposes you, the heart will confirm you.
And if some riders appoint you as an Imam, your knowledge will lead them, so the riders see guidance through you.
I have made you as my sufficiency in my affairs, and he whose sufficiency is you does not fail.[4]
These poetry lines are one of the gushes of the soul and one of the kinds of awareness of living conscience. That is because Abu Nu'as spent the days of his life in amusement and impudence and lived on the dining tables of the 'Abbasids. He showed this sweet-smelling praise toward the Ahl al-Bayt at the time when someone praised them faced punishment and displeasure. He was urged to declare such praise by the Imam's reality and ideals of which there was no like during his time.
The lights of the Imam dazzled the poet of al-Ma'arra, Abu al-'Ala, and he composed a poem on lamenting Abu Ahmed, the Imam's grandson, saying:
Because of his majesty in the soul, your grandfather, Musa, is regarded as the character in Surat al-'Araf.[5]
Abu al-'Ala had no good opinion of anyone, nor did he praise anyone unless he tested him and came to know of his reality, but when he heard of Imam Musa and knew that he was unique, he praised and described him.
[1] Ibn al-Sebbagh, al-Fusool al-Muhimma. Akhbar al-Duwal, p. 112.
[2] 'Umdat al-Talib, p. 185. Al-Nefha al-'Anberiya, p. 15. In it the author has added that he was self-possessed and open handed.
[3] A'yan al-Shi'a, vol. 4, p. 9.
[4] Al-Menaqib, vol. 4, p. 318.
[5] Seqeta al-Zind.